You know that both men and women are cheating at about the same rates today.  And you also know that secretive sexting and texting have become incredibly commonplace.


Think back to when you first fell in love, and remember the excitement and aliveness that you felt with your partner. They pre-occupied your thoughts, and you couldn’t wait to spend time with them. There was a sense of eagerness and adventure.

Do you still feel that way?

For many couples those exciting feelings of being in love have faded away.

People find themselves in dull routines often taking each other for granted. Life revolves around responsibilities, children, careers and household chores.

Day to day living with your partner can become superficial patterns of interaction. These happen as a result of busy routines and habits instead of demonstrating deep caring and close intimacy.

Sex for many couples becomes a chore or a duty that needs to be performed and checked off. Often not happening with the frequency or the quality that people want.

Affairs are anything but dull and routine. Even sexting and texting have elements of excitement and adventure in them. People who have affairs talk about feeling alive and free of responsibilities.

For some it can become an addictive escape from routines and responsibility.

Preventing affairs is relatively easy.

Your partners needs for adventure, excitement, aliveness, and feeling valued will be met.

Either by you, or potentially by someone else.

If you’d like to learn more about preventing affairs or moving beyond them reach out to me here.

You can read more about preventing affairs in my book.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.  -Dr. Seuss

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How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

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