My wife passed away recently from her struggles with cancer. She was 49.
We shared 19 years of life together and a 12 year old son.
Our love was deeply fulfilling and extraordinary.
We made it our priority every day.
I’m not looking for sympathy or well wishes, or anything else.
I want this to be a wake-up call for you.
Life is a most precious and fragile thing. Value the people you care deeply about.
Love can be extraordinary, or mediocre. That’s up to you.
Choose extraordinary!
The words “I Love You” have a very unique meaning for each of us.
- What does it mean for you?
- More importantly, what does it get you to do?
Love is not love if you withhold something from each other.
Here are 5 moments that I used to deepen our connection:
- What do they feel sitting in the silence of your presence?
- What does your partner feel holding you?
- What do they feel looking into your eyes or touching your hand?
- What do they feel when they talk to you and listen to you?
- What do they feel when you see them walking in the door, not having seen them all day?
When you greeted them on day 797 of your life together did they still feel
the feeling of being deeply loved by you?
And on day 6,935 together will your eyes still meet in a loving and lingering
way, recognizing the extraordinary love you feel for each other, and the joy
that exits solely because you are together?
That’s what I want for you!
- What standard of love have you chosen for your marriage?
- What standard of love have you chosen to give to your partner?
What difference can your love make?
More than you can imagine!
Hold your partner closely today, and notice the feeling you feel.
Look deeply into their eyes for a full 20 seconds and notice what you feel.
This will tell you what you need in your marriage.
This is the most important work I do. I’m here to help you when you’re ready.
You can find my book here, and reach out to talk with me here.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not. –Dr. Seuss
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