Being married should never be the goal.

Staying married should never be the goal.


It’s the wrong target to aim for, and will never bring you happiness.

You might marry the wrong person just to become married. But as you know, you won’t find happiness with the wrong person.

*People might stay together unhappily married, just for their kids. What you might not realize is that only gives your kids a dysfunctional model for success in a relationship. And greatly diminishes your kids chances for happiness if they do marry later on.


Because unfortunately we all repeat many of the parental patterns that were modeled for us.  Were your parents patterns of interaction deeply loving and fulfilling for them?

Wouldn’t it be better to model high levels of daily affection, playful interactions, deep conversations, and genuine happiness and joy around each other?

That’s what I wanted to model for our son and have.

In order to have fulfilling love that lasts a life time, that must be the goal. It must be the point of focus. And it must be the priority.

  • It cannot happen if you’re unwilling to learn how to do that. 
  • It cannot happen if you aren’t committed. 
  • It cannot happen if your work, your kids, your friends, or hobbies,etc.. are the priority. 

In order to have deeply fulfilling love that lasts a lifetime. You must focus on creating special moments together.

The amount of time required to do that is tiny. Your understanding of what to do must be upgraded.  

I’d like to help you.

Read The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle ,and do what’s in it.

If you’re ready for my personal guidance reach out to me here.

Life without fulfilling love is not very special.   

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.  -Dr. Seuss

How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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