5 Ways to End the Disappointment

5 Ways to End the Disappointment

Too many marriages are in crisis today. The number of client inquiries that I get about affairs and sexting continues to surprise me. Here are some easy things to do:  Get Access to Your Partner’s Phone I’ve talked about this before. If your partner...
Why 2 Million Marriages Crash and Burn Each Year

Why 2 Million Marriages Crash and Burn Each Year

No one is intentionally creating unhappiness in their marriage. It happens because people don’t have the skills needed to live and love happily ever after. Your marriage will model many of the behaviors that you saw in your parents’ interactions. That’s just a...
The Only 2 Real Marriage Issues to Fix

The Only 2 Real Marriage Issues to Fix

Having a great marriage isn’t a hard thing to do. Telling ourselves the truth is more difficult. And that’s what keeps people stuck in unhappy and unfulfilling marriages. You don’t how to have a happy marriage- This was an unpleasant truth that I had to tell myself...
My Personal Plea to You About Your Partner’s Phone

My Personal Plea to You About Your Partner’s Phone

Do Not Take Your Marriage For Granted It’s the Ok marriage that often leads to pain. I have to warn you. I am seeing an increase in clients who discover their partners are having sexting affairs. Just in case you don’t know, Sexting is the texting of images and/or...
Lessons of Love; Benign Neglect

Lessons of Love; Benign Neglect

So people fall in love, get married, maybe have kids, and it’s happily ever after….right? That’s what I used to believe happened.   Now that I’m married….we’re good…not much more to do here. I’ve got a career to get...
Unhappy Marriages are Hard, Fixing them is Easy

Unhappy Marriages are Hard, Fixing them is Easy

  Completely transforming a marriage is easy. Wanting to,… is another matter.   Do you know any couples that are in an unhappy or unsatisfying marriage? Why don’t they do something about it?   Here’s what they say: Can’t be...

How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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