Unhappy marriages are common. It’s the pretending it’s not true that makes it stay that way. People do not destroy their marriages on purpose. No one wakes up and says, “Today’s the day I ruin my children’s happiness.” No one...
Not everyone is ready to hear the truth but here it is… If your marriage isn’t already great you’re making any of these 3 big mistakes: You don’t care enough. When I work with couples I look for proof of deep caring. I look...
You already know that men and women often see things very differently. If you’ve read my book The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle, then you know there are some real differences between the roles that men and women have in sustaining couple communication, trust and...
How do we improve our Couple Communication? That’s the most common question I get. I struggled with this myself early on in my marriage; blaming my wife mostly for the many misunderstandings and disagreements. What I didn’t know at the time was that it wasn’t our...
In my opinion and experience, the root cause of communication conflicts in marriage is due to a decreased feeling of connection between the two partners. And that cannot be improved by simply talking about it. Behaviors have to change in order for the feelings of...
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