Ignore These 3 Things and Limit Your Life Success

But you would never do that… would you? Almost everyone wants more success in life. But we all have our own individual ideas about what that means.  What does success mean for you?  Do you measure it by financial terms; income, job title, fame, money the in bank, size...

3 Little Ways to Mess Up Any Marriage

Are you doing them? Where do we get our relationships skills?  Who teaches us how to have a passionate, loving, committed marriage?  Were your parents a good example of how to create an extraordinary relationship?  If you didn’t have a good role model, who did you...

Your Success Becomes What You Believe

Do you believe in yourself enough? Who sets the limits on what’s possible in your life?  What expert has the divine authority to tell you that you can’t do something? Records were made to be broken.  Barriers were built to be torn down.  The impossible happens every...

Life Coaching…What’s It All About?

Do you need a Life Coach? Let’s face it. Along the road of life, we all hit a speed bump or two. Sometimes we  need help navigating over or around them so they don’t stop us in our tracks. Fact is, most of us seek advice from time to time. Informally we may consult...

Your Mindset for Success Matters

Listen to your heart, or someone else? I imagine as a child, or even as a teen that you had dreams to do something big in your life.  Did you achieve those dreams, or did you get sidetracked by someone else’s reality. My dream was to play major college football.  When...

How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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