First a reminder of the numbers:
- Each year over 2 million couples divorce in the United States.
And 1 person in every 3 couples is right now having an affair.
And thanks to technology there’s a huge increase in emotional affairs,
with secretive texting and sexting outside the marriage.
But here’s what may surprise you:
People who cheat, frequently love their partners very much.
And are often faithful and devoted, even for decades.
Here’s what might shock you:
Most couples who decide to divorce still really love each other,
but get divorced anyway.
Want to know why?
Because people have lost the feelings of being “in love” with their partners.
And it drives them to do things they wouldn’t normally do while they search for the excitement and aliveness, of feeling “in love” again.
What will you do if your partner falls out of love with you?
That answer will give you the truth about how well you understand relationships.
People fall out of love all the time. Even though they still love their partners, they lose the feelings of being “in love”.
And it’s their lack of knowledge and understanding about what to do,
that destroys more marriages than anything else.
You cannot talk your way back in love,
You cannot give his and her version of events and fall back in love.
That only happens with specific behavioral changes.
And here’s what happens because partners no longer feel “in love.”
- It’s the #1 cause of divorce.
- It’s the #1 cause of affairs.
- It’s the #1 cause of unhappiness.
What people don’t know is that they can fall back “in love” again.
Even if it’s been 20 years without feeling “in love” with each other.
What’s missing matters so much more than you realize.
I want you to have the skills and knowledge that will keep your love,
intimacy, communication, and deep connection, alive for a lifetime.
That won’t happen without the feelings of being ”in love” with your partner.
Here’s all you need to do:
Do what’s in this book The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle
Reach out and talk with me here.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot.
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not. -Dr. Seuss
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