I’ve had some wake-up calls in my life.

You’ve probably had your share too.

One of them was my divorce 25 years ago. That drove me to figure out how to have a great marriage.  Today that’s easy because I know what to do. I want you to have that wisdom because it takes all your relationship stress away.

What knowledge and understanding is missing that keeps you stuck and unhappy?

Because that’s really all it is.

And until you admit that to yourself, nothing is ever going to change.

And it determines your path ahead:

  • Will you be happy or unhappy?
  • Will you have peace or be overwhelmed with stress?

Without realizing it people choose to be unhappy for the rest of their lives because they won’t tell themselves the truth:

They don’t have the knowledge and understanding needed to have a great marriage,

And they are unwilling to do what’s needed to change their situation.

  • Some pretend things are Ok when they are not.
  • Some think talking about the problems will solve them. It won’t.
  • Some think communication is their greatest challenge. It’s not.
  • Some blame their partner and do nothing. That creates consequences.

Do you have the knowledge and understanding needed to turn your situation around?

People can pretend it’s something else.  And to make a decision to continue to struggle and stay stuck will always haunt them.

Never pretend it’s Ok to be unhappy. There is no escape for letting yourself down like that.

Have you read The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle and used the ideas?

Have you spoken with me so that you have the knowledge and understanding to fix your situation?

If not, now might be a good time to do that.



Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

nothing is going to get better. It’s not.  –Dr. Seuss

How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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