How do I know my wife loves me?
Just because she says so…?
Is that enough?
What evidence in my life points to her loving me?
And what keeps me in this relationship with her if she isn’t offering me substantial proof of her love for me?
These are real questions.
I want you to think about them for your relationship.
What proof…, What evidence do you give your partner every single day that you truly love them?
If you’re not offering something tangible and solid they won’t feel it.
- The words I love you become superficial.
- A ritualistic hug and kiss here or there is not the same as affection.
- Obligatory sex is not passion.
- Talking about the kids doesn’t create feelings of intimate connection.
- Watching TV or being on your phones together does not help communication.
Where’s the deep caring?
How do you specifically demonstrate that you value your partner?
Is that enough for them? Are they doing enough for you?
Do they fully and completely trust you? Do you trust them fully?
When trust leaves the relationship it’s impossible to be happy.
Do you love yourself enough to tell yourself the truth about your marriage?
This is where it gets interesting.
- What are you putting up with?
- What standard have you settled for love?
- What stories, and soft lies, and rationalizations are you living?
- Where are you pretending it’s ok, when it’s not?
Do you love them enough to want to improve your marriage?
Do they love you enough to be willing to participate?
Read my book together.
Talk with me for direct answers to your situation.
Your commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not. -Dr. Seuss
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