Your desire for each other mutes or exaggerates most challenges. You are the only one who can decide the level of love and intimacy that is fulfilling for you. 1st, Let’s understand that passion for your partner doesn’t have to naturally decline. I know...
How do I know my wife loves me? Just because she says so…? Is that enough? What evidence in my life points to her loving me? And what keeps me in this relationship with her if she isn’t offering me substantial proof of her love for me? These are real questions. I want...
Too many marriages are in crisis today. The number of client inquiries that I get about affairs and sexting continues to surprise me. Here are some easy things to do: Get Access to Your Partner’s Phone I’ve talked about this before. If your partner...
Of all my marriage mistakes of the past, I failed to understand that my marriage wasn’t going to stay happy and passionate all by itself. And I didn’t become one of the country’s leading experts in marriage repair by choice. It happened by...
So people fall in love, get married, maybe have kids, and it’s happily ever after….right? That’s what I used to believe happened. Now that I’m married….we’re good…not much more to do here. I’ve got a career to get...
Completely transforming a marriage is easy. Wanting to,… is another matter. Do you know any couples that are in an unhappy or unsatisfying marriage? Why don’t they do something about it? Here’s what they say: Can’t be...
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