Of all my marriage mistakes of the past, I failed to understand that my marriage wasn’t going to stay happy and passionate all by itself.
And I didn’t become one of the country’s leading experts in marriage repair by choice. It happened by necessity. And it happened because I care alot.
I was completely fed up with my own relationship stress, and all I wanted was to have everlasting happiness with my wife.
If you’re read my book The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle, you know that my first marriage ended because I was clueless. Now after 18 years with my wife, I have the amazing marriage I want, and no relationship stress.
Learning what to Do and Not Do, was the life altering wisdom I now have.
That’s a truly great thing. I want that for you. If you don’t want that for yourself, no one can help you.
I share what I’ve learned with people because the traditional couples counseling model didn’t work at all for me. And it clearly doesn’t work for close to a million couples who try it and divorce each year.
In my opinion, a completely different type of thinking and problem solving is needed based on only this one thought:
Is what I’m doing; useful, helpful, support or beneficial to what I want?
If not, why not?
- Do you know exactly what you want?
- Do you know what to do?
- Are you willing to do it?
Is there something in the way of you doing it that needs to be resolved?
This is the mindset that creates immediate success. This is how I saved my own Marriage. This is the mindset that has allowed me to save hundreds of other couples from unhappiness and divorce.
I can help you:
- Get clear what you want,
- Know what to do and what not to do,
- Let go the hurt and resentment from the past.
The real issues exist because of a lack of understanding about the above things.
Embrace them and your marriage will be transformed. Work on anything else and you will be disappointed long term.
If you want my help, reach out here.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not. – Dr. Seuss
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