Want to turn your marriage around, or give it an uplifting boost? Think in terms of providing Comfort vs. Cold. You’ll really want to think about this, or you’ll miss out on one of the most relationship transforming things you can do. How you fail to interact with...
The effort required really isn’t very much. It’s the energy that matches what you want that has to be exact. If I bring you love, if I bring you peace, if I’m grateful for what you’ve done and are doing, Will that help? If I’m empathetic to your concerns and opinions,...
Not everyone is ready to hear the truth but here it is… If your marriage isn’t already great you’re making any of these 3 big mistakes: You don’t care enough. When I work with couples I look for proof of deep caring. I look...
How do I know my wife loves me? Just because she says so…? Is that enough? What evidence in my life points to her loving me? And what keeps me in this relationship with her if she isn’t offering me substantial proof of her love for me? These are real questions. I want...
Another year of marriage is quickly coming to a close. As you think about the past 11 months in your relationship… Did you feel loved and deeply cared for… the way you wanted to? Did you have the intimacy and passion… that made you feel alive?...
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