Many marriage challenges can be resolved much easier than people think. Even the most stubborn relationship issues can change quickly.

You simply need to know exactly what will help improve your situation and be willing to go do it.

One of the reasons I’m so successful helping hundreds of couples  save their marriages, is that I like to take complex situations and make them simple.

It’s easy for the partners and even experts to get caught up in all the details of a couple’s conflicts. Your version, their version,…whose is more right?

 You can examine and dissect the issues until you are blue in the face…

The problem is doing that will not bring you closer together.

 Here’s something simple I personally do every day that will help you:

If you’re read  the chapter on Vision in my book, The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle, you understand how important it is to think about how you want to FEEL when you are with your partner.

Before I see my wife during the day or coming back from work at night, I have already thought about how I want to FEEL when I’m with her.

 My top of mind emotion is Peace.

Why Peace you might ask?

Because there’s plenty of stress already available, and if I’m peaceful I can easily access other emotional states that will keep us deeply connected.

  • If I’m peaceful I can be playful,light,happy and fun.
  • If I’m peaceful and she’s stressed, I can help her to be more peaceful,
  •  and there will be no escalation of disagreements or misunderstandings.
  • If I’m peaceful I can be affectionate, and fully present for her.
  • If I’m peaceful I can bring perspective into any situation.

This is a simple little thing that has been game changing in my own marriage.

Try it out for yourself.

Reach out to connect with me if you’d like to learn how to apply my ideas to improve your own marriage.


What we do and fail to do will always be reflected in the outcome of our marriage.

How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

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How Strong is Your Marriage?

The Relationship Success Indicator

Let’s take an honest look at your current understanding about the dynamics that make for relationship success.

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